On the issue of taxation, she criticized Hollister's vote for then-Governor Bob Taft's revenue plan.
For example, does (or can) this ruling prohibit an advertisement criticizing a lawmaker's particular vote in Congress?
The mayor feels that there's more to be done at the M.T.A." Other politicians criticized the board's vote.
Environmental groups criticized the conference's vote.
A fiscal conservative, he also criticized Farley's vote in the state senate on abortion.
Fellow Councilmember Mary Cheh criticized Grosso's vote as a favor to health insurance companies.
In particular, Republicans have been criticizing his vote against giving the first President George Bush the authority to wage war against Iraq.
Similarly, Edwards criticized Wynn's vote for the bankruptcy bill of 2005, which eliminated some bankruptcy protections for individuals.
Officials of the financially-ailing universities, who say tuition must be raised to at least $1,600 if they are to survive, criticized today's vote.
During a debate on October 7, McMahon criticized his vote as a state Senator in 1989 for a $850 million tax increase.