They also criticized regulators for moving too slowly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
California's usually mild-mannered Democratic governor, Gray Davis, has sharply criticized federal regulators for dragging their feet, calling them "armchair Washington bureaucrats."
Firestone criticized Saudi regulators for the decision.
The trade representative also criticized Mexican regulators for not bringing Telmex into line.
Britain's Securities and Investments Board severely criticized regulators today for failing to detect irregularities at the investment-management firms accused of having played a central role in the Maxwell scandal.
Criticism of Regulators In the case of banks, he criticized regulators for failing to require banks to measure the market value of investment securities in their profit reports.
The 1999 GAO Report that analyzed the LTCM experience criticized federal regulators for not coordinating their oversight of LTCM's activities with banks and securities firms.
Families of victims also criticize regulators for allowing railroads to keep custody of the recorders in all accidents except the few investigated by federal officials.
Indeed, buying failed institutions is turning out to be such an attractive way for banks to expand that Congress has started to criticize regulators for arranging deals that some lawmakers contend are too sweet.
The accord was praised by Bert Ely, a banking expert who criticized regulators for failing to catch Superior's problems earlier in the year.