The FO criticized the communist influence as being incompatible with the 'Charte d'Amiens', and they were generally trotkist, socialist, some anarchist.
At a rally against the Iraq war, the five criticized Mr. Mubarak's policies and the increasing political influence of his son, Gamal.
He criticizes the influence of fundamentalist Iran and the intervention of Afghan Tajiks.
Many Republican leaders have denounced as bigots those who criticize the influence of religious groups in the party.
Mr. Mondale, drawing on his own experience, also criticized the influence of Iowa, which holds the first caucus, and New Hampshire, which hold the first primary.
The journal was anti-clerical and often criticised the strong influence that the Roman Catholic Church then had in Quebec.
During these debates, Victor Hugo, although member of the Parti de l'Ordre, criticized the renewed influence of the clergy.
In an interview he criticized the bigger influence from sales/marketing department during Fallout 2 development:
They denounced the inconsistency of the bill, which does not implement any restriction, and criticized the influence of lobbies.
During the 1930s, as an independent politician, he criticised the growing influence of the Japanese military and advocated the vote for women.