The institutes' main subjects were Gregg's own interests: crop diversification and winter dairying.
Some farmers prefer to self-insure through crop diversification or the use of hardier, lower-yielding hybrids.
Additionally, this crop diversification helps farmers when coffee prices are depressed.
Virtually all the Farm Belt states are doing more to encourage crop diversification.
Another overarching consequence of the Second Malaysia Plan was its efforts in crop diversification.
A developed irrigation infrastructure and increasing crop diversification led to a stable food industry throughout the state.
The Crown Government began planning the gardens in 1889, with the goal of encouraging crop diversification and to provide farmers with correctly propagated seedlings.
In addition, crop diversification with crops such as pepper and areca are also part of income generating programmes of the institute.
The Agriculture Ministry was involved in a multimillion-dollar United States aid program for crop diversification.
Throughout the state they began to educate farmers in crop diversification so that if one crop failed income from other crops could support the family.