But consumers and regulators in Europe worry that the crops could pose a threat to humans or the environment.
Monsanto says the crops have been properly tested and pose no threat to humans or the environment.
There have also been a number of recent reports suggesting that the popular crops that produce the insecticidal toxin known as Bt may pose previously unsuspected risks.
Greenpeace believes genetically modified crops decrease biodiversity and pose a threat to the food supply.
He called the review rigorous, and said it confirmed that biotech crops "pose no adverse health or environmental problems."
Because the species was collected in the canopy of the forest, it is believed that deforestation and ongoing crop and livestock farming pose the largest threats to its survival.
If the secretary believes that the crop at issue poses a risk in any way, he can forbid its use.
In these circumstances the use of the pesticide could not be acceptable for us, but the treated crops would not necessarily pose a risk to EU consumers.
Genetically modified crops pose a threat to agriculture in Europe and to food security, and for these reasons, I agree with the rapporteur.
Europe said the crops posed legitimate risks to health and the environment that had to be weighed with "a prudent and precautionary approach."