While there is a place for crop substitution, law enforcement, interdiction and other programs to cut drug supply, these steps rarely deliver promised results.
Where crop substitution has been successful, drug cultivation has simply moved next door.
Plan Colombia provides some money for crop substitution, rural development and the justice system, but should do more.
"It wasn't crop substitution at all," he recalled of an earlier administration's pledge.
The Bush proposal wisely stresses a broader regional approach along with economic development and crop substitution.
Half of that would go to programs aimed at promoting judicial reform, local government and crop substitution.
"The authorities must take the challenge of crop substitution seriously," it said.
A Peruvian "super ministry" would promote crop substitution and attack traffickers.
The peasants complain that virtually no American aid is spent on crop substitution.
The 51-year-old agricultural engineer advocated foreign aid for crop substitution.