Students develop subject competency and also explore interdisciplinary projects that cross multiple disciplines.
Also included in this database are relevant but hard to find materials which crosses disciplines consisting of agriculture, health and the life sciences.
Frostick has published over one hundred papers and books, crossing disciplines including physics, mathematics and engineering.
Design has been by nature an interloper activity, with individuals that have crossed disciplines to question and innovate.
Like many scientists who cross disciplines, Dr. Shay keeps it all together with a unified, and controversial, theory.
It may also cross disciplines, as in Rogers v. Koons, where a sculptor was found to have infringed on a photograph.
Suzanne Lacy, a magnet in that milieu who later became known for large-scale urban performances, crossed disciplines to highlight issues like violence against women.
These artists cross disciplines, raid all genres and recontextualize them into hybrids.
In the academic world, environmental design may cross disciplines with departments of geography, environmental science, climatology, neuroscience, and various others.
The rhetorical challenge today is to find discourse that crosses disciplines without sacrificing the specifics of each discipline.