Phobos crossed the sky in four and a quarter hours, so she didn't have to wait long.
Crossing the line in four hours and three minutes, he managed to raise over £650 for the charity.
In 1939, this distance was crossed in 5 hours and 45 minutes.
He crossed the line in three hours 44 minutes.
Rishel completed the journey, crossing the salt flats in 22 hours.
He crossed the line in 40 days, nine hours and 44 minutes.
Finally, they landed near the Don river, crossing 1,650 kilometers in 57 hours and 54 minutes.
I ran a half-marathon on Aug. 4 - my only goal had been to cross the finish line, still standing, in less than three hours.
They did set a new record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean in 10 hours, 50 minutes.
Later that day, it met the east coast of Florida, and crossed the state in around 15 hours.