Crossing overland from Tacna and flying from Arica to Santiago (one way US$195) is slightly cheaper than flying nonstop from Lima to Santiago.
Here he left the ships to again cross overland to Buenos Aires, with the intention of undertaking botanical and other scientific work along the way.
He crossed overland to the village of Holwerd, on the north coast, close to Dokkum, where the Frisians made an abortive attack on his camp.
We've crossed overland.
Unable to travel overland, the Germans acquired several dhows and sailed up the Red Sea to Jiddah, then crossed overland to Mecca.
If you are crossing overland to or from Russia we recommend reading our travel advice for Russia and scrupulous attention to completing all the necessary paperwork.
At one point they actually had to cross overland in order to avoid an ocean canyon that would have forced an unreasonably long detour.
In 1863, he left the Cariboo and transported the coffin back by ship, crossing overland at the Isthmus of Panama, and eventually returned home where he had the coffin reburied.
They quickly crossed overland to the Kennetcook River and then on to the Acadian village at Pisiguit where the villagers replenished their food supplies which had been running low for several days.
That said, crossing overland from Cambodia and China is now relatively stress-free.