Thematically, research is often concerned with the political dimension of mediated cross-border communication.
Research approaches to mediated cross-border communication can be categorized with regard to the respective dimensions of analysis.
Research on mediated cross-border communication can be found in a growing number of specialized scientific journals:
Several academic associations cover issues related to mediated cross-border communication in specialized sections and working groups:
He emphasizes cross-border cultural communication and denies the idea of "cultural exiles" come up with other domestic critics.
Comparative media system research is an encouraging and important subfield of mediated cross-border communication.
The second idea that we should give expression to is the importance of cross-border political communication.
New means of cross-border communication such as the Internet offer tremendous new opportunities for access to information and freedom of expression.
Commercial cross-border communications must be founded on recognising the importance of reciprocal action.
The recognition of religious, cultural and social differences in the Member States should therefore be given full consideration in any legislation on cross-border commercial communications.