The cross-country portion is run last, and for men is 8000m.
During the cross-country portion however, his horse fell, ending the competition for Kenki.
Both Nordic combined events had their cross-country portions held in pouring rains.
At the same time, the need to unclip the binding for the cross-country portion was eliminated.
Modern skiing developed as an all-round sport with uphill, downhill and cross-country portions.
Equipment during this era was designed for the cross-country portions.
A 1-point difference in ski jumping scores translates to a 6-second difference at the start of the cross-country portion of the event.
The scores for these jumps were used to calculate the deficit with which each athlete began the cross-country portion of the event.
Note: 'Deficit' refers to the amount of time behind the leader a competitor began the cross-country portion of the event.
They resumed the next day with Germany having a 10-second lead over Austria going into the cross-country portion of the event.