These are then subjected to a cross-sectional analysis using a microscope.
The researchers used cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses to examine the relationship between total fertility rate (TFR) and the human development index (HDI).
Together with William Nordhaus and Daigee Shaw, they have invented the Ricardian technique, a cross-sectional analysis that reveals the climate sensitivity of agriculture.
Using cross-sectional analysis, users can select a variables and plot this against up to 5 independent variables.
The consequence of all this for a study of comparative industrial relations is that international differences cannot be understood solely in terms of cross-sectional analysis at any one point in time.
The LIS data is only suitable for cross-sectional analysis as households cannot be linked over time.
In cross-sectional analyses, aerobic exercisers have lower basal total and free testosterone compared to the sedentary.
However, Carrol and Reichheld (1992) dispute these calculations, claiming that they result from faulty cross-sectional analysis.
Pattern generalization with graphs and words: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of middle school students' representational fluency.
Observational studies rest on cross-sectional statistical analysis of neighbourhoods to derive potential correlations between street patterns and the level of antisocial incidents.