The "transmit" pair from each side is routed into the "receive" pair of the other side, in the manner of a crossover cable.
Alternatively it is possible to connect two devices directly using a crossover cable.
Such cases need crossover cables, such as for the Ethernet or null modem for RS-232.
However, a cable wired with T568A at one end and T568B at the other is a crossover cable.
Immediately after missile detonation, the airliner began a 113-second arc upward because of a damaged crossover cable between the left inboard and right outboard elevators.
Sending fragments forward, it either severed or unraveled the crossover cable from the left inboard elevator to the right elevator.
This is a crossover cable.
A crossover cable was also used to connect two hubs or two switches on their upstream ports .
I thought the need for crossover cables was long gone.
Going through some troubleshooting, I asked "are the switches connected with a crossover cable?"