Thirty seven black Kenyans aged 30-69 attending a hospital clinic for hypertension were admitted to this double blind crossover trial.
A walnut diet improves endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic subjects: a randomized crossover trial.
Results were analysed with the paired t test for crossover trials as described by Hills and Armitage.
By November 2004, there had been two double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trials, and a 25,000+ patient open-label study lasting over seven years, all showing effectiveness.
Calcium supplementation in premenstrual syndrome: a randomized crossover trial.
Therapeutic effect of taurine in congestive heart failure: a double-blind crossover trial.
These researchers recruited 154 adults and children into a placebo-controlled crossover trial and found no response to treatment.
Lower back-up rates improve ventilator triggering during assist-control ventilation: a randomized crossover trial.
Branched-chain amino acid therapy for spinocerebellar degeneration: a pilot clinical crossover trial.
Lipid profiles after the daily consumption of an oat-based cereal: a controlled crossover trial.