Upon creation, the league's first goal was to establish better crowd attendances for its matches.
Every match between the two clubs during this period would be sold out, with crowd attendance sometimes as high as 20,000.
The club moved back into Berwick in 1996 and have remained there ever since, enjoying much success during this time and good crowd attendances.
Estimates place crowd attendance above 3,000 which is far in excess of the population of Glais.
Yet following the 2011 Series, concerns were raised over extremely small crowd attendances.
Many supporters showed their disappointment and crowd attendances plummeted rapidly during the season.
At the end of the 2008/09 season, Chievo had an average crowd attendance of 13,352.
The result was a significant increase in crowd attendances (more than double) and a fourth league title in 1966.
This is clearly reflected in the high crowd attendance for the games.
By making a record, crowds at the clubs would know who the announced DJ was and would make the crowd attendance bigger.