A crowd descended upon the village, intent on burning the tree to the ground.
As in the Gold Rush of the previous century, a colorful crowd descended on the valley.
When the American soldiers pulled out, the crowd descended on the office and bar, smashing everything they could get their hands on.
If possible, avoid the reserve on Sunday and public holidays, when the crowds descend upon the place.
But there's plenty to see before the crowds descend.
The main beaches are packed with people most days, especially on Saturdays, when the crowds descend to pick a prime spot.
The two men outside backed off, confused, as the crowd descended on them.
Around him the crowd had descended into a snarling mass, tearing at each other to get the coins.
Thereafter he moved toward the door as quickly as the crowd would allow and descended the stairway.
At which the crowd, cellphones and cameras at the ready, descended upon him to have their pictures taken.