That lesson seemed unavoidable today, as the crowds forced some cell blocks open, while jailers mostly stood passively by.
Police cars were set on fire and a crowd of over 100,000 people forced its way into several government buildings surrounding the square.
The swelling crowd had poured down the ropes like they were possessed and were now forcing them all up against the rocks to the rear.
The crowd forced the police to drop their guns and flee, he said.
The Porsche was halfway to the gates before the crowd forced it to stop.
By the time Sparrow attended to him, the crowd had forced the doors and were inside .
On his return, the crowd, defying the advice of their political leaders, surrounded Oliver's house and forced him to sign a resignation.
You couldn't go anywhere else because the crowd just forced you along.
The crowd forced its way in, and threw furniture, silverware and other objects outside.
The officers extracted the stabbing victim and another person who had been beaten, but the violent crowd forced the police to withdraw.