The crowd hurls pebbles at her, which turn into little cakes that shrink Alice down again.
The crowd, rather than disperse, surged up the embankment and stood, hurling abuse and the occasional stone at the military.
Meanwhile, crowds of frenzied Vietnamese, clutching their worthless papers, hurl themselves against the embassy's gates.
The crowd hurls pebbles at her, which turn into little cakes.
From the start the crowd had been hurling insults at Justinian.
Before Mr. Zappulla was taken away in an ambulance, a crowd of about 50 people hurled insults at him.
In Vojvodina, pro-Milosevic crowds hurled yogurt at local Communist leaders.
The angry crowd hurled bottles and bricks, looted stores and overturned cars.
The crowd hurled insults at the Prime Minister as he came out of the convention centre.
The army said warning shots were fired when a crowd hurled stones and firebombs at the tank.