A crowd of 17,168 paid $10 for general admission seating on a first-come basis.
A mass memorial service took place on 11 June at a nearby football stadium, where a crowd of about 5,000 people paid tribute.
The crowd, whose fringes were now lost to the eye, paid little attention to the latest development.
Barrow provided the opposition in the final where a crowd of 77,000 paid a then record £54,435 to watch the game.
As the speakers changed the crowd became more emotional and wasn't paying attention to the rally anymore.
The chrome-and-glass crowd paid no attention to his defense and froze him out.
A crowd of 3000 paid to watch the game.
But the crowds were paying tribute to the idea that technology might actually be pleasing to use.
The crowd paid not the slightest attention to him, however.
"That's better," said Croft, now that the crowd was paying attention to him.