Large crowds salute the Holy Child in adoration with songs and prayers.
The crowd cheered and saluted as flames rose 30 feet.
The crowd saluted the Knicks with a standing ovation at the final buzzer.
As the crowd saluted him and he raised the ball during a timeout moments later, Beard was feeling very unlucky after deciding to leave Coleman in.
The crowd of 29,048 saluted Sosa with a standing ovation as he thrust his arms into the air and took his trademark home run hop away from home plate.
During sunset the table-top dancers become silhouetted against the skyline as the crowds salute the new clubbers arriving by plane overhead.
When he left the game with 1:32 left, the boisterous crowd saluted him with a standing ovation.
When Rose was introduced at Turner Field Sunday, the crowd saluted him with the longest and loudest ovation accorded any of the 18 players.
It ended with camera lights flashing and the crowd on its feet saluting Rice.
"Ah, I forgot," he said meekly, and the crowd, doubly charmed, saluted him with a forgiving roar of approval.