The flames spread so rapidly that a full evacuation of the sprawling, crowded building was not possible.
Nearly each tiny plot in the back of the crowded buildings was used for growing food or keeping chickens.
To make full use of crowded buildings, students go to school for four 43-day sessions each year, with staggered vacations.
More than 800 children were believed to be inside the crowded three-story building when the fire broke out at 11 a.m.
A few of the crowded buildings had a second story, typically a room or two for a family over their small shop.
But the other bus wasn't there yet, so they had to wait in the big, crowded building for several hours.
The small company raced unopposed across the bridge and into the darkness among the crowded buildings.
Moving in on Brand in a crowded building was a very bad deal, but everybody wanted results now.
He took a deep breath of air unpolluted by crowded buildings and people.
But often, they represent accurate charges for crowded buildings that use a lot of water.