And on an increasingly crowded planet, not everyone's garden is well kept.
G-7 was no stranger to violence, but interspecies destructiveness ordinarily occurred from collisions on crowded planets.
A planet so crowded for space there were only twelve Square Miles of international backyard remaining.
We should applaud every suicide as a public benefactor voluntarily yielding up his place on this crowded planet and making it available to somebody else.
You couldn't enforce such a law on this crowded planet.
You couldn't on a crowded planet, say like Earth or Kalar.
And those messy relationships are growing more tangled all the time on a crowded planet where battles are inevitable over which species are worth fighting to save.
To cope, the authors argue, we will need to rebuild our agricultural systems to provide enough food for a steamy, crowded planet.
Others see falling fertility as a rational response to a crowded planet.
Wonderful, mutated crops, enough to feed a half-dozen crowded planets.