Many who chose containers were immigrant workers who viewed the boxes as an improvement over the crowded tenements they lived in before the quake.
Previously Chinatown was noted for its crowded tenements and primarily Chinese residents.
In all, 420 people die, mostly in crowded tenements in areas such as the Lower East Side.
By the late 1800's and early 1900's the garment industry work force was predominantly Jewish Eastern Europeans, who settled mostly in crowded tenements.
The young Dominicans "just want to play the game that they see as their only escape from the crowded tenements of Washington Heights," you write.
And residents of crowded tenements near their downtown workplaces were freed to move to the rapidly growing suburbs along the subway route.
Without air shafts, the 1867 requirement failed to increase natural light or fresh air ventilation in the crowded tenement "dark bedroom."
Brooks is famous for her portrayals of Black working-class life in crowded tenements of Bronzeville.
But they came home to dark, crowded tenements.
The Jewish population moved out of the crowded tenements for new middle-class neighborhoods.