They miss a crucial eighth argument: lotteries undermine popular control of government.
That is a crucial argument for the expanded schedule, designed so that teachers and students are never apart for more than four weeks.
But in conducting this research he threatens the life of someone he loves, and a crucial argument with his doppelganger ensues.
Over all, Mr. Conrad seems to win many of the crucial arguments.
The crucial argument for HS2... is that we will need there extra rail capacity.
A crucial argument when the Commission finally tabled this proposal in 1996 was that the assessment at project level enters the decision-making process much too late.
I am glad he was still able to remember the crucial arguments underpinning his report a whole year after he steered it through the committee.
For this reason, despite its merits, Lyell's book did not anticipate the crucial arguments which Huxley presented.
This is the crucial argument: public versus private.
All this is programmatic until we have shown what the crucial sceptical argument is.