One of the most crucial episodes in the series was titled Boss.
The crucial episode takes place away from the rock.
From 1854 to 1855 it was besieged, a crucial episode in the Crimean War.
Don't try not to watch - when you do give in, you will have missed the crucial early episodes.
But the Government maintains that a June 1995 meeting was a crucial episode in its sweeping antitrust case.
The authors overlook another well-known and crucial episode in the H-bomb story.
The continuous model of development was thus replaced by a more complex theory that highlighted certain crucial episodes in the history of life on earth.
Included here are definitive, sharply heightened realizations of some crucial episodes.
Website blogger io9 listed "Peter" as one of the "crucial" episodes new viewers must watch to get into the show.
Politicians seem to think they register authenticity if they inform the public about crucial episodes in their private lives.