His moans express the fact that Russia will continue to be ruled by cruel dictators and the people will remain poor.
In the new era that is coming to Iraq, your country will no longer be held captive to the will of a cruel dictator.
Is the only choice in the Arab world really between these two alternatives, the benevolent monarchs and the cruel dictators?
In their steadfast support of a corrupt and cruel dictator, however, successive Administrations have behaved as if the bases were valuable beyond price.
He is proven to be a cruel, merciless dictator.
Trujillo was a cruel dictator, killing thousands of persons, among them many Haitians.
These people have been plundered by cruel and corrupt dictators who continue to enrich themselves.
It was not to enter the history books as a notorious, cruel, narrow-minded and malicious dictator.
Throughout its history, Europe has suffered under a great many cruel and inhuman dictators, and none of this suffering should be forgotten.
The current uprisings might seem to draw clear lines: cruel dictators versus oppressed masses.