The world would be a safer place with Mr. Hussein's cruel dictatorship removed.
The country's turbulent politics, notably Idi Amin's cruel dictatorship in the 1970's, undoubtedly fostered a steep economic decline.
The papers that morning had been full of rumors about how cruel and totalitarian the dictatorship was.
I've little affection for the British Government,' Auda announced, 'They've done nothing to save my people from a cruel dictatorship.
We believe that Burmese people will be able to overcome their fear and rise up against cruel military dictatorship.
The most compelling argument made for ending sanctions is the suffering of Iraq's people, who are innocent victims of a cruel dictatorship.
If they die at sea, they are mourned as casualties of Fidel Castro's cruel dictatorship.
Re-establishing food supplies for people who have suffered under a long and cruel dictatorship and 12 years of embargo, Mr President, certainly cannot wait.
This was the view cynically expressed by the man who will remain in history the creator of the cruellest, long-standing dictatorship in the world.
We cannot allow corrupt and cruel dictatorships to divert aid from the needy into their own pockets.