The result was inflation - what Richard Nixon the Presidential candidate called "the cruelest tax."
It's widely recognized that Federal deficits have imposed the cruelest tax of all, a $1.5 trillion liability on our children, while transforming the United States from the world's largest creditor to its largest debtor.
He told Brazilians, most of whom had never lived without runaway prices, that inflation was the cruelest tax of all, striking the poor whose salaries lost value by the hour.
And the tax on groceries, Mr. Nunnelee said, "is just the most cruel tax any government can impose."
Is not the Minister deeply ashamed that he intends to carry on with that cruel and stupid tax instead of scrapping it, as he should have done a long time ago?
It was yet another cruel and unjust tax.
The Santror found no favour with the rules, in spite of paying these cruel taxes.
He exhorted him to revoke the cruel taxes and the exploitative system of uliyam, imposed on the Santror, the people born of Mayon's seeds.
Then we had them voting for the imposition of VAT on heating fuels, a cruel tax on the ordinary person as well as the pensioner.
It's a cruel tax, the government doesn't listen.