In the process, her motives are misunderstood and she is cruelly beaten.
Li scolded the evil officials to their face and was beaten cruelly.
Many of the Chinese were cruelly beaten, but no one was killed.
Here we found a lad stretched upon the ground being cruelly beaten with hide whips, so that the blood ran down him.
'And if you had been too late you were under the apprehension of being cruelly beaten?'
She says, "I want to shake him," as if he'd shoplifted a shirt, not cruelly beaten a man to death and then essentially crucified him.
One of the actors' masks had fallen off, and she'd looked straight into the face of a cruelly beaten, humiliated slave.
Vova, who tries to prevent the vandalism, is cruelly beaten.
Kalushkin reported that "shah was so cruelly beaten that he was forced to turn back three times to defend himself".
The rest were disarmed, stripped, bound, and cruelly beaten.