Frontier again cruised in eastern waters from 16 September 1959 to 1 March 1960.
Princess will have two ships in South America, hitting six countries and cruising in Antarctic waters.
Sumter captured another six ships from late November into January 1862, while cruising in European waters.
The following spring and summer she cruised in Mexican waters.
Wisconsin cruised with the fleet in Cuban waters that winter, and in the summer of 1919 made a midshipman training cruise to the Caribbean.
Porter cruised in southern waters until 8 December and then proceeded to Key West where she was stationed on 1-22 January 1898.
But at the moment the American warships were simply cruising offshore in international waters, making a show of potential force.
Insurgent sailed from Hampton Roads on 14 August 1799, and cruised in European waters during the winter of 1799-1800.
Specially equipped for cruising in arctic waters.
Urdaneta was considered a great navigator and especially fitted for cruising in Indian waters.