We will start the day quietly cruising the side fjords of the spectacular Hornsund area of southern Spitsbergen, enjoying the scenery of towering mountain peaks.
For those of you cruising quietly toward this two-score-and-ten marker be forewarned, as I was not, that 50 is more than 49 plus 1.
Stoner got out of the cab gratefully, and the driver gave him a final distrustful glance before putting the taxi in gear and cruising quietly down the narrow street.
An hour later the Excelsior dropped from warp eight and cruised quietly in space at vessel speed.
When I ask him about the privacy concerns of a drone plane cruising quietly at less than 500 feet over private property, Spencer waves me off.
When they arrived in its vicinity, they found the box kite, cruising quietly ahead of the omega, gradually pulling away from the giant.
Two days later, at ten in the evening, Sir Gerald Tarrant sat in the passenger seat of a Jensen as it cruised quietly along the M4 towards London.
On our second day we slept in past the first-light fanatics, pushed off in our mokoro at 8 A.M. and cruised quietly through the swamp for an hour or so.
Existence and nonexistence lurched around her, and suddenly she was hauled in and down, like a roller coaster that had been quietly cruising along and suddenly hit a drop.
Cruising quietly along the 40 mph lane, Franklin began to take a closer interest in the landscape around him.