It instantly crumbles into ash.
If the deflected piece happens to be an overworked piece then the opponent's defense instantly crumbles, making victory imminent to the one who employed the deflection.
The fabric crumbled instantly in the hot dry air, leaving only a dangling mesh where some threads had been plaited with fine gold wire.
The ledge crumbled instantly, and Quantrill smashed both elbows against what was left of it on his way past.
If the heat shield failed, the ship would crumble instantly, hammered flat by a solid wall of gas.
They crumbled instantly and were gone.
It broke in two as he tried to lift it, and the piece which remained in his hand crumbled instantly to white powder.
The hapless minion of the law instantly crumbled into a heap of white chitin dust, and the cargo carrier rumbled on.
If fatally wounded, they instantly crumble to dust.
Though Pakistani experts long claimed that the Kabul regime would instantly crumble without Soviet troops, that hasn't happened.