Over time, Schiff's sweet tooth for gossip got the best of her, and The Post lost its "crusading spirit."
With its usual crusading spirit and attention to detail, this column has spent the last few days re-examining some events from the past, chosen at random.
We want to maintain the crusading spirit but in the form of a more traditional political campaign.
The Martians sought water and vegetable matter; but they came also in a crusading spirit, to "liberate" the terrestrial diamonds.
The crusading spirit was, however, strong enough to draw men from the provinces around, who flocked as free lances to fight against the infidel.
Imperialism is "a mask for the crusading spirit."
So much for my crusading spirit.
She stepped in with a crusading spirit to provide education and uplift them.
The crusading spirit of the early members of Annales derived in part from their opposition to the way history was practised.
Maybe, in a month or two more at Jerry's, I might have regained my crusading spirit.