There were little crusty rolls too and a small crock of butter.
Only warm crusty rolls, like those served earlier with our starters, were available for mop-up duty.
One evening every time a diner broke a crusty roll, someone was at his elbow decrumbing the table.
She was heaping gooseberry jam on a crusty French roll.
She nodded, her mouth full of crusty roll.
For 6 francs, it comes with a crusty hard roll and hot mustard on the side.
I could also make a meal of the warm, crusty Argentinian rolls.
Three perfect, crusty rolls, already buttered, shared the plate with the meat.
The meal went together quickly, complete with crusty rolls and a dessert of rhubarb crunch.
Lucky customers who arrive around noon line up for a hot crusty roll as it comes out of the oven.