"Do you know what it is for an Arab man to cry before a stranger?"
Wearing a dark suit, she could be heard crying in the dock before the hearing.
However much it hurt, Jeff would not cry before his friend.
Laura cried before the race because she couldn't run it.
All that she could do was not to cry before him.
I had only met Ly an hour earlier and he was crying before my eyes.
She had known him all her life; shed cried on his shoulder before this.
She nearly made them cry Saturday with her speech before the game in the locker room.
I am a little girl crying before my burning house.
Then he told me I was going to cry before him.
I drew them tight against me, crying as I'd never cried before.
Then he said, sounding almost embarrassed: "I've never seen you cry before."
I never had to have somebody baby me so I wouldn't cry before.
I never heard you cry before, she said, by way of explanation.
He remembered crying the day before, and, strangely enough, wasn't ashamed.
They had not known that a dog could cry before.
Now he was starting to cry, and I had never seen him cry before.
I'd never really heard him cry before, but that's what it sounded like, a voice thick with tears.
She had never seen him cry before, even as a little boy.
I couldn't remember ever having seen him crying before.