"You don't have to go-" she cried faintly, flapping her hands frantically.
Melanie cried faintly, for he was no longer spinning the wheel.
At this, echoes cried faintly back to him, and he knew for certain he was in a large chamber.
"Please take me home," the girl whispered in his ear, crying faintly and shaking.
Very far away once more they heard gulls faintly crying, out over the sea.
His voice faintly cried her name, and his head came down to rest beside hers.
From far below a voice cried faintly to some unseen figure and stillness settled again.
At one point, he said, he heard a woman on the first floor faintly cry for help.
She heard voices, crying faintly; one of them seemed to call: 'Jack Harry's lights!'
Renee cried faintly, sounding sad for this parting.