In the playpen which Stu had brought up and covered with a blanket, Peter began to cry lustily.
In the cradle was the child Tedric had brought, perhaps something under a year old, crying lustily.
The two boys were crying lustily, but the little girl lay between them, sucking her tiny fist and watching Eve bend over her.
A baby sat alone on a black vinyl chair and cried lustily.
The hall beyond was also full of people, and a babe in arms was crying lustily.
The baby on the travois began to cry lustily.
"It has been lustily crying, which is a good sign," Dr. Dolnick said.
Some change in pressure, temperature, scent, motion, noise, or a combination of all of these had awakened her and now she began to cry lustily.
The shouting had wakened the twins; they were both crying lustily upstairs.
Just as I did so a newspaper boy came down the street lustily crying his wares.