There was a curious arch in his back, and, as his mistress touched him, he cried out plaintively, "Percy!
She made an effort to raise herself, as though trying to es- cape, but she fell back again and cried softly and plaintively.
As he disappeared from sight in the melee, a woman's voice cried out plaintively.
Then it pans to one young man crying plaintively, "where are my pictures?"
As if far away, an African's voice cried plaintively.
In the distance a single bird cries plaintively.
At the end of a long day of training the new fighters every muscle and nerve in his body was crying plaintively for rest.
Dora Bunner's voice cried out plaintively, "Oh, I don't like it!"
A tiny snatch of piano cried out plaintively.
Several others stood, including Rosenzweig, who cried plaintively, "Nicolae!