By 1990, Alcor had grown to 300 members and outgrown its California headquarters, which was the largest cryonics facility in the world.
"She's at the cryonics facility in Avignon, am I correct?"
His body is now preserved at a cryonics facility in Scottsdale, Ariz.
He did recall reading about one cryonics facility in California.
It surprised Ben to learn that the place was indeed a cryonics facility.
Which makes us the largest cryonics facility in the world.
The largest cryonics facility in the world.
You get to Mass General and clear out the cryonics facility.
And what's he want the Massachusetts General Hospital's cryonics facility for?
Ferrell wants their father's body returned from a cryonics facility in Arizona and cremated as he specified in his 1996 will.