Each bore a cryptic code; but the two sheets differed in appearance.
Goodness, cryptic code is a thing of milleniums past on Teutron.
Clicking the RSS icon in your Web browser typically takes you to a page of cryptic code, known as XML.
Knowing they were written there for his benefit, for his eyes only, he frantically sought to decipher the cryptic code.
"It's in classical hieroglyphics - not too difficult compared to his cryptic codes."
Hidden messages include backwards audio messages, hidden visual messages and symbolic or cryptic codes such as a crossword or cipher.
They had developed a cryptic code during the four visits she had been allowed at Pretoria Central, and not eating well meant that he was on another hunger strike.
Mindful of those who might be watching or listening in, they wrote letters, which they had hand-delivered, and talked in cryptic code over the telephone.
AT Dirk's order, Fribbs seated himself at a writing desk and studied the cryptic code.
Coaches, having no motivation to publicize their plans, usually adopt cryptic codes for certain positions, using letters, numbers, or short names for their convenience.