"Drassi says",' and she grinned at him for the efficacy of that cryptic explanation.
Instead of a cryptic explanation with a lot of vagueness.
Krock added a cryptic explanation: "Other incidents arising made the disagreements between the two men even more personal.
Cablevision has capriciously bumped the Islanders off some telecasts and its cryptic economic explanations have been specious at best.
"I didn't come to debate weapons, but I would be interested in a less cryptic explanation of why you think so."
"It was a very cryptic explanation," Pat said.
Where necessary, brief but not cryptic explanations are provided of any information that might seem to be out of the ordinary.
The physician stopped eating and gave a cryptic explanation.
"Ye find the clues where ye find them," Pwent had said in typically cryptic explanation.
Riker whispered, hoping she could decipher the Calamarain's cryptic explanation.