Vedic mathematics is based on nineteen sūtras which serve as somewhat cryptic instructions for dealing with different mathematical problems.
In a letter left with a mutual contact he gives her cryptic instructions on how they can secretly meet.
The hats had been a parting gift from their uncle, Skipout Fargo, and he had given them cryptic instructions to go with the headgear.
Mr. Manser keeps trying, though, and was heard whispering cryptic instructions like "Station 4."
Case sets the papers aside and runs his hand over the smooth surface of a box bearing cryptic instructions in Japanese.
Finding a note containing cryptic instructions, Jacob presses his hand against the glass to obscure his face.
My only fear is that I may have misinterpreted some of her cryptic instructions, or have omitted or overlooked something.
Harry nodded at the cryptic instructions.
LeWitt's drawings - executed by assistants following precise but often cryptic and almost poetic written instructions - have always played down notions of authorship, touch and originality.
He remembered Bartholomew's cryptic instructions to his henchmen.