Saul Stark paced measuredly about the figure on the sand, his arms weaving cryptic patterns.
He noticed a cryptic pattern of intricate design and archaic pictographs arched over the threshold.
These "little dragons" are generally highly colourful with cryptic patterns.
Most have a beige to brown color, and they rarely possess the disruptive cryptic patterns seen in many other geometer moths.
They have a mottled or spotted cryptic pattern, and have elongated dermal lobes in the region near the mouth.
The staggering volume of molecular data and its cryptic and subtle patterns have led to an absolute requirement for computerized databases and analysis tools.
The canvases are textured and stained to resemble weathered walls bearing cryptic, maze-like patterns.
Appearing very much like their close relatives the triggerfish, filefish are rhomboid-shaped fish that have beautifully elaborate cryptic patterns.
The blowing snow had stuck and frozen to the burnished steel in cryptic patterns that looked as if they ought to have some meaning.
Beyond that there was nothing--no formulae to calculate, no cryptic patterns to parse.