Shen Buhai was known for his cryptic writing style.
The lyrics are written in a cryptic style, resembling the trobar clus of contemporary troubadours.
In fact, as there are several reasonable definitions for this term, this would be an example of woolly thinking or a cryptic writing style.
Jesus' cryptic style of presentation called for the listener to interpret the words he spoke in different ways.
In general the ULA favors direct, vernacular writing over the more cryptic and mannered styles of the present-day academy.
Perl lends itself to an unbelievably cryptic style!
He was a major troubadour, having contributed to the creation of trobar clus, or cryptic style, in troubadour poetry.
It consists of tagging done in a distinctive, cryptic style, mainly on walls and vacant buildings.
Foucault's cryptic style leaves the nature of his theory obscure in many respects.
The aphorisms of the Vedanta sutras are presented in a cryptic, poetic style, which allows for a variety of interpretations.