A carved stone segment embedded in the east wall, visible from Pennsylvania Avenue, states somewhat cryptically, "Rebuilt 1888 1796".
Two years later, Will McLaury wrote a letter to his father in Iowa, cryptically stating: "And none of the results have been satisfactory.
He also somewhat cryptically states that he read from the 'Word of Kemmler' and learned how to turn necromancy against the Black Court.
He locates the original, but the Observer (Michael Cerveris) shows up and takes Walter away, cryptically stating: "it is time to go."
Unfortunately he is turned away by the store's owner, Nya, who cryptically states that a far more powerful grimoire is meant for him.
Then, in a whisper more his own, he stated cryptically to Harry: "Find Margo and you'll find Bayruth."
Q challenges Picard to solve the mystery of the anomaly, cryptically stating that Picard will destroy humanity.
In terms of inspiration, Mitchell cryptically stated that the album was about his "recent run ins with the universe, taking away and giving back."
He also stated cryptically that the movie would likely be about getting older rather than boxing.
"Maybe, maybe not," Jeffrey stated cryptically as each man eyed the other.