Asking Sarah about the number 9 worries her and she cryptically tells him "I can get you out of here".
How Johnson managed this feat is unclear; he later cryptically told a friend that "his friends came about him, and set him up again".
"The stick is blue," the pregnant Murphy Brown cryptically told her best friend, Frank.
She cryptically tells Guido she'll find a way to get his soul back.
When Emma asks what he saw, he cryptically tells her that his dead ex-wife Madelyne Pryor is alive.
They talk over their relationship and he finally kisses her, before cryptically telling her "someday" in Greek and leaving for London for school.
Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall.
Kryten decides to deliberately contract the virus to create an antidote, cryptically telling the crew to 'watch his dreams' before becoming unresponsive.
She cryptically tells him to take another guess at the weight of the cake at 4 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces.
Katy makes advances towards Cyrus, which he tolerates while cryptically telling the audience that he is "playing Katy".