It contains cryptographic technology which essentially produces a one-time password which is typed into your computer by this little piece of plastic, by the YubiKey.
Every company, every citizen now had routine access to the sorts of cryptographic technology that not many years ago ranked alongside the atom bomb as a source of power.
Intelligence agencies have access to good cryptographic technology.
But ordinary people and grassroots political organizations mostly have not had access to affordable 'military grade' public-key cryptographic technology.
At the time that the original WEP standard was drafted, the U.S. Government's export restrictions on cryptographic technology limited the key size.
The letter said that the development of strong cryptographic technology is crucial to the further growth of electronic commerce in the United States.
In an interview today, Mr. Aaron disputed the industry's view that the efforts to control cryptographic technology are being outstripped by the pace of the technology.
Privacy advocates said the decision was a possible indication that the Clinton Administration might be on the verge of softening its stance on controls on cryptographic technologies.
These attempts were largely made moot by the widespread use of strong cryptographic technologies such as PGP, which was not under the control of the U.S. government.
For an overview of cryptographic technology in general, see Cryptography.