Dr. Pritchett picked a canape off a crystal dish, held it speared between two straight fingers and deposited it whole into his mouth.
She pushed the crystal dish away, unable to finish, unable to bear listening to him explain why he couldn't stay, why they couldn't be together.
She took a cigarette from a crystal dish, and sparked it alight with the jewel in her ring.
I make eye contact with Etta, who strides into the kitchen and comes back a minute later with a tiny crystal dish full of peanut butter.
Cut-glass bowls of all sizes were pushed to the back of the cabinets, leaded crystal dishes and plates.
Once in a while she reached up to the crystal dish on a side table and took another.
She gave me a quick peck on the cheek as I slid our breakfast onto the ruby crystal dishes I had so coveted for years.
He held out the flower, thinking she looked as cool and delicious as a sherbert parfait in a crystal dish.
Either of you," she said with a furious look at her mother as Caro came back with a small crystal dish.
He took another drag, then tapped the cigarette out in the little crystal dish he'd brought in with him.