Digital television will enable broadcasters to transmit crystal-clear pictures and sound.
A crystal-clear picture of the dark earth she was looking at flashed from her mind to, his.
Responding to requests from broadcasters, in 1997 the commission ordered the transition to digital television, which can offer crystal-clear pictures and has the potential to provide interactive services to consumers.
"Digital television means you can watch your favorite shows with a crystal-clear picture," the narrator promises.
The accord, which is subject to approval by the Federal Communications Commission, opens the door for the crystal-clear pictures and expanded services promised by digital television.
With its 1,920 x 1,080 native resolution, this Samsung 60-inch television produces a crystal-clear picture.
The accord opens the door to the crystal-clear pictures and expanded services promised by digital television.
"Digital television means you can watch your favorite shows with a crystal-clear picture," a narrator promised while generic grandma watched TV.
The Democrats, under the guidance of Vice President Al Gore, offered broadcasters the use of digital signals, allowing crystal-clear pictures and sound.
After another hour he received a crystal-clear mental picture.