Since spoken words were a bother, Sethvir gave a haunted shrug, then shared, through a merciless, crystal-clear vision, an event scarcely ten hours old.... Cloudy dawn sheathed the peaks of the Thaldeins.
It "carries the exhilaration of crystal-clear artistic vision," says the New York Times ' Janet Maslin.
All that remained was a vision crystal-clear as to how the Jews of the world could be salvaged from the chaos which must overtake them in the years ahead, and it was his un- deviating dedication to this one concept that would make him immortal.
This oaf had done two things to him by this visit: he had terrified him with a crystal-clear vision of disaster, and he had somehow suggested that it could be avoided.
He had a strange, crystal-clear vision of himself floating lifelessly beside the trail, touched by the morning sun- Then a last frantic writhe freed him, and he felt himself slip off the trail into the deep water on the right side of it.
He had a strange crystal-clear vision of himself floating lifelessly beside the trail, touched by the morning sun- Suddenly, the weight of the corpse on top of him was removed.
For all the suffering it describes, Mr. Egoyan's quiet triumph also carries the exhilaration of crystal-clear artistic vision (Maslin).
For all the suffering it describes, this eloquent film also carries the exhilaration of crystal-clear artistic vision.
Alan Smith, chairman of Storehouse at the time of the Bhs sale commented "He [Philip Green] had a crystal-clear vision and strategy.
My imagination, always eager to help out, promptly supplied a crystal-clear vision of arterial blood spurting onto white snow in a crimson spray.